Pre-requisite requirement:
- Complete and passed Theory (e-learning)
- Identify dysphagia diet levels (minimal 3) which the institution will be providing
- Able to carry out the different diet testing methods (as guided by the Institution Champions)
Who should attend:
- Kitchen Chefs
- Food preparation staff
Learning Outcomes:
- To be able to prepare diets that meet IDDSI Framework Standards
- To be able to modify diets with a range of kitchen equipment provided
- To be equipped with strategies which can help retain/maximise nutritional value of meals
- To demonstrate ability to prepare 3 dishes that meet the 3 minimum diet levels for institutions
Course Description:
- To be able to prepare diets that meet IDDSI Framework standards
- To be able to modify diets with a range of kitchen equipment provided
- To be equipped with strategies which can help retain/maximize nutritional value of meals
- To demonstrate ability to prepare 3 dishes that meet the 3 minimum diet levels for institutions.
Competency Mapping (CCSSF):
- CCSSF-PC-F-1001-1 Support client with or without swallowing difficulties in oral feeding. Encourage clients’ participation to maximise independence (Basic I)
- CCSSF-PC-F-3002-1 Observe, identify, record and report client’s nutritional intake and adherence to diet plan (Intermediate)
- CCSSF-T-CAS-2021-1 Assist therapist in performing client assessments (Basic II)
- CCSSF-T-FOCACT-3023-1 Support therapists to reinforce client education and training to client and caregivers (Intermediate)
Course Fee: $230.00