Management of Common Skin Injuries

A wound neglected is a wound infected. Join this course, organised by St Luke’s Hospital, to be equipped with relevant knowledge and skills in wound care and management.

Course Objectives:
  • List the purposes of the skin
  • Define the common skin injuries that occur.
  • Identify the different classification stages/types of common skin injuries.
  • Describe the methods for prevention of common skin injuries.
  • Identify the instances for escalation of common skin injuries.
  • Outline the steps to perform wound dressing for management of pressure injuries and skin tears.
  • Apply the appropriate skin products for management of Incontinence Associated Dermatitis.
Course Content:
  • Introduction to the skin
  • Pressure Injury – Prevention using skin bundle, Escalation, Stages of PI, Management
  • Skin tears – Prevention, Escalation, Types of skin tears, Management
  • Incontinence Associated Dermatitis (IAD) – Prevention, Escalation, Categories of IAD, Management
  • Tips to keep dressing intact (Demo) Knowledge Check Quiz (20 MCQ)
  • Practical session on use of sliding sheet and application of crusting technique Q&A Feedback
Who Should Attend:
  • Allied Health Professional, Support Care Staff
Competency Mapping (Clinical Domain):
  • Perform skin care for clients
  • CCSSF-PC-SC-1007-1
  • Perform skin care for clients to maintain healthy skin condition
  • Prevention of pressure injuries
  • CCSSF-PC-SC-2008-1
  • Provide appropriate care to prevent the development of pressure ulcers

Course Fee: $175.00

For Enquiry, please contact us at:

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