Home Care Services​

Our home-based services provide care for home-bound clients mainly in the western region of Singapore. Our services include home medical, home nursing and home therapy.

The service is managed by a dedicated team who strives to provide holistic care, and improve the health and well-being of our clients. We also work closely with caregivers to optimise care for their loved ones at home.

At St Luke’s Hospital, holistic care is:

(we take ownership of our patients’ health and well-being)

(we manage patients in their social situation, priorities and context)

(we seek to minimise or prevent co-morbidities)

Home Medical

SLH Home Medical is part of a transdisciplinary team, providing holistic care for clients who are frail and homebound due to impaired mobility, with complex care needs who require:

Our services include:
  • Medication prescription* and titration
  • Laboratory tests including point-of-care-testing (e.g. INR monitoring)
  • Bedside procedures (e.g. PEG change, Simple incision and drainage, Ear syringing)
  • Referral for Severe Disability Assessment (SDA) if eligible
  • Initiating arrangements for Advanced Care Planning (ACP) and Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA)
  • Inter-disciplinary referrals for rehabilitative intervention, dietician, COMIT, social needs

Our Home Medical service is paired with our Home Nursing service, and patients will be assigned to a primary doctor and nurse by region to ensure continuity of care. Patients enrolled into our service will receive regular, scheduled visits by our team with tele-support during office hours. Please note that our team does not provide an on-demand house call service, and visits are by appointment only upon admission to our Homecare services.

Application to enrol into SLH Homecare services can be done through aic.sg, Agency for Integrated Care. Eligible patients may also apply for means-tested MOH subsidies for homecare fees.**

* St Luke’s Hospital Home Medical service is part of MOH’s Medication Subsidy Programme. Qualifying clients will enjoy subsidised medication from any polyclinic within Singapore with the prescription form given by our Home Medical team.

**Note that eligible application to activate home medical may take up to 7 to 10 working days. Supporting documents will be required for this application through AIC.

Home Nursing

SLH Home Nursing is part of a transdisciplinary team, providing holistic care for clients who are frail and homebound due to impaired mobility, with complex care needs who require:

Our services include:
  • Monitoring of chronic conditions and health education
  • Initial assessments (Physical, Cognitive, Social and environmental)
  • Phlebotomy service to support Home Medical services
  • Administration of Vaccination (non-COVID) ordered by SLH Home Medical doctor only
  • Specialised Nursing procedures & management of:
    • Tubes (Nasogastric feeding tube, Indwelling Urinary Catheter for female and male clients, PICC flushing)
    • Stoma (Tracheostomy, Urostomy, Ileostomy & Colostomy)
    • Skin care
    • Wound (Negative Pressure Wound Therapy – NPWT, Lower Limb compression therapy, complex, post operative wound, pressure injuries)
    • Medication (packing, loading of insulin, titration monitoring for persons with dementia)
    • INR monitoring (point-of-care-testing)
    • Post discharge review and support and necessary case management

Application to enrol into SLH Homecare services can be done through aic.sg, Agency for Integrated Care. Eligible patients may also apply for means-tested MOH subsidies for homecare fees.**

**Note that eligible application to activate home nursingl may take up to 3 to 5 working days. Supporting documents will be required for this application through AIC.

Home Therapy

We provide physiotherapy, occupational therapy and speech therapy sessions for clients who are unable to access community-based rehabilitation services due to medical conditions or functional status.

  • Physical and mobility training
  • Caregiver training
  • Exercise prescription
  • Home based exercise
Occupational Therapy
  • Activities of Daily Living (ADLs) and Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IADLs) training
  • Low vision training
  • Cognitive training
  • Caregiver training
  • Home environment assessment/modification
  • Meaningful activity engagement
  • Behaviour modification advice
  • Motorised device training
Speech Therapy
  • Swallowing assessment and management
  • Speech and language therapy
  • Cognitive communication therapy
  • Other communication impairment (e.g. voice and fluency)

Charges, Payment, Subsidies & Means Testing

Click here to learn more about our charges.