Staff Nurse (Home Care)


A.    Home base Patient Care

1.    Home Nursing Care Plan

  • Assess on the general health condition of client & record in care plan
  • Assess on social history – financial constraints and make necessary referral / recommendation.
  • Assess home environment – make necessary referral / recommendations.
  • Advise client or care-giver on the plan of care to ensure continuity of care.
  • Anticipate and resolve problems where possible otherwise refer to supervisor.
  • Document visit observations, procedure and actions plans accurately within 1 workday post visit
  • Import and upload wound images, home vital signs recording as necessary

2.    Nursing Procedure

  • Wound dressing and management (including NPWT),
  • Change and management of indwelling urinary catheters (IDC)
  • Change and management of nasogastric feeding tubes (NGT)
  • Management of Stoma/s and its appliances
  • Perform Digital Rectal Examination (DRE) as necessary
  • Medication packing and reconciliation
  • Flushing of PICC lines and site dressing change
  • Oral and Tracheostomy suctioning

3.    Health Education  

  • Customised caregivers’ training as appropriate and necessary for safe or improved care

4.    Referral

  • Liaise with RHSO team, AIC, other community service provider as necessary 
  • Customised caregivers’ training as appropriate and necessary for safe or improved care   

5.    Patient review

  • Plan routine homecare visits as per acuity and need
  • Respond to sub-acute needs as necessary in a timely manner
  • Conduct joint-visit with Home Medical doctor as necessary on case by case basis

6.   Management of Resources

  • Able to care, maintain and monitor the availability and usage of supplies and equipment 
  • Evaluate new equipment as requested by HOD for possibility of care and  functional improvement of person needing care (PNC)

B.    Caregiver

  • Build therapeutic relationships and empower caregivers for self-management through training and support
  • Assess training needs and implement in a systematic manner after discussion with Caregiver and Next of Kin of PNC
C.    Administrative Duties

  • Secondary coverage for outpatient clinics (1 Saturday per month 0830 to 1230)
  • Collect fees in cash, issue receipts as necessary and submit to HC OPSA post visit


  • Registered with Singapore Nursing Board
  • Minimum of 3 years’ experience working in Medical/surgical ward in Acute setting OR geriatric experience in community hospital setting.
  • Possess good communication skills
  • Possess good learning attitude in learning and receiving feedback
  • Able to make good clinical judgements regarding patient care and care givers’ competencies
  •  Has a keen interest in supporting End of Life care for homebound seniors
As a charity hospital, your support helps us continue providing quality care and meeting the evolving needs of our community.

Your gift enables patients needing rehabilitation, wound, dementia, or palliative care to receive essential treatment and reintegrate into their families and communities.

Bring cheer and uplift our patients’ spirits! Your time can make a meaningful difference in their healing and recovery.